Investor Relations


Lessons from horticulture: Pioneering the first antifungal vaccine
January 23, 2023

Lessons from horticulture: Pioneering the first antifungal vaccine

Anivive's work is gaining attention as the threat of systemic fungal infection grows


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A Vaccine Against Valley Fever Finally Works—for Dogs
November 11, 2021

A Vaccine Against Valley Fever Finally Works—for Dogs

Anivive's work on an antifungal vaccine to prevent canine Valley Fever is referenced in this Wired article.


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Can a dog vaccine for Valley fever lead to a human one?
June 6, 2021

Can a dog vaccine for Valley fever lead to a human one?

Anivive's work on an antifungal vaccine to prevent canine Valley Fever is referenced in this Freethink article.


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Deadly Fungi Are the Newest Emerging Microbe Threat All Over the World
June 1, 2021

Deadly Fungi Are the Newest Emerging Microbe Threat All Over the World

Anivive's work with Dr. John Galgiani and his research team at the Valley Fever Center for Excellence at the University of Arizona College of Medicine is gaining attention as the threat of systemic fungal diseases escalates globally.

Scientific American

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Curing Cancer with a Little Blue Pill?!
June 21, 2021

Curing Cancer with a Little Blue Pill?!

Dr. David Bruyette, Anivive's CMO, talks about his company, a pharmaceutical startup looking for medical solutions for unmet needs in the veterinary space, that has created LAVERDIA™-CA1 (verdinexor), the first pill to treat cancer, in this case lymphoma in dogs, which may someday benefit humans, too.

NPR's Dog Talk ® (and Kitties Too!)

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Anivive sprints to market with pet chemotherapy
April 12, 2021

Anivive sprints to market with pet chemotherapy

Anivive Lifesciences Inc. is taking its first pet-specific drug to market after 3.5 years and $5 million in research and development costs.

Orange County Business Journal

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FDA endorses canine epilepsy and lymphoma drugs
January 18, 2021

FDA endorses canine epilepsy and lymphoma drugs

Medications from Pegasus Laboratories and Anivive Lifesciences earned conditional approvals.

Today’s Veterinary Business

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Cats point the way to potential COVID-19 remedies
August 31, 2020

Cats point the way to potential COVID-19 remedies

Anivive Lifesciences, is working on a COVID-19 antiviral drug that’s inspired by cats, and it has new preclinical research findings to back up the project.


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A drugs life: How David Bruyette’s biotech startup is changing the way veterinary products come to market
June 9, 2019

A drugs life: How David Bruyette’s biotech startup is changing the way veterinary products come to market

Anivive Lifesciences starts with unmet therapeutic needs and employs high-tech research methods to identify compounds that could meet those needs.

DVM 360

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